Who we are

About us

SBI Liquidity Market is a part of the SBI Group, Japan’s largest on-line financial conglomerate, that provides various FX and derivatives services for the Group and external clients. Keeping with the customer-centric principles of the SBI Group, we maintain the highest levels of professionalism and expertise to deliver price-competitive, user-friendly, and reliable FX services to our customers.

Our core values

SBI Liquidity Market will drive SBI group’s 5 management principles as core values. We will endeavor to bring innovation to the financial industry and deliver the best service to our customers.

Keep us being a professional in FX Provide excellent pricing and abundant liquidity by integrating innovative technology and diverse needs of our customers. Creating next-generation financial services focusing on customer-centricity

Our core values

SBI Liquidity Market will drive SBI group’s 5 management principles as core values. We will endeavor to bring innovation to the financial industry and deliver the best service to our customers.

Key figures

$13.0 T

Annual Trading Volume*

¥33.4 B

Consolidated operating revenue*

2.22 M

Customers' Accounts**

¥405 B

Margin Deposit**

* Fiscal year 2023 **Group total of over-the-counter FX transactions(SBI Securities,SBI Sumishin Net Bank,and SBI FX Trade)

2023年度 東京外為市場におけるSPOT取引金額 約$30兆






Counter party (32)

Australia - New Zealand Bank / Bank of America NA / Barclays Back PLC (Barclays Bank) / BBVS (Bilbao, Viscaya, Argentaria Bank) / BNP Paribas / Canada Royal Bank / Citibank, NA London Branch / Commerzbank / Credit Agricole CIB / Deutsche Bank / Goldman Sachs Securities / Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation / JP Morgan Chase Bank / Macquarie Capital Securities (Japan) Limited / Mizuho Bank / Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities / MUFG Bank / NatWest Market Securities Company / Nomura Securities / SMBC / Societe Generale / Standard Chartered Bank / State Street Bank / UBS Bank / eight other companies

DX promotion

In line with the SBI Group's management philosophy, we make endeavor to develop DX (Digital Transformation) to become a digital company that can immediately respond to the needs of customers and society in a drastically changing business environment. Our DX Initiatives page can be found here

CSR activities

We recognize the significance and importance to achieve a sustainable society. We will make prudent efforts to enhance corporate value to stakeholders and to produce value to society. Our CSR Initiatives page can be found here

Company profile

Company Name
SBI Liquidity Market Co., Ltd.
Izumi Garden Tower, 1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo,106-6022 Japan
Develop and provide foreign exchange market trading system and products
Representative Director and President
Fuminori Ozaki
July 8th, 2008
1 billion yen (Capital reserve: 150 Million)
Share Holder
SBI Group 100%
Board of Directors
Executive Chairman
Yoshitaka Kitao
Representative Director and President
Fuminori Ozaki
Executive Vice President
Yasumichi Saito
Senior Managing Director
Ryo Suzuki
Executive Managing Director
Kentaro Kuba
Managing Director
Hiroyuki Masuda
Managing Director
Chitoshi Kawamorita
Managing Director
Hiroki Kondo
Managing Director
Kosei Fujita
Managing Director
Tomohiko Kondo
Managing Director
Masato Takamura
Executive Office
Kenichi Kawakami
Executive Officer
Nobuyuki Watanabe
Executive Officer
Koichi Tsuda
Executive Officer
Satoshi Hori
Executive Officer
Munehiro Inada
Executive Officer
Hiroshi Saito
Executive Officer
Masaaki Sugiura
Executive Officer
Tamiyuki Usui
Executive Officer
Syunsuke Takeda
Executive Officer
Kojiro Tsuda
Executive Officer
Yuta Yoshikawa
Corporate Auditor
Takanori Funaki
Corporate Auditor
Yasuo Nishikawa

Financial statistics

Consolidated Operating Revenue (Billion)
Group total of Margin Deposit (Billion)
 *SBI VC Trade was not consolidated after FY2022


SBI FX Trade

Specialist FX trading firm with the industry-leading narrow spreads and most competitive swap points

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